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Product or Bullshit management

Companies hire seasoned product pros, hoping to scale up. But often, these pros end up powerless, stuck in a “do as you’re told” culture. This isn’t product management, it’s BS management! 🚫

Without decision power, Product Managers can’t flourish. 🌱

Beware! Companies often say one thing, do another. They might claim flat hierarchies, but you’ll find yourself tangled in decision-making red tape. You might get decision power, but only within a narrow context. 🔄

It’s shocking how often opinions and hierarchy drive business. Leading to BS management

As companies grow, politics rise, agility falls. Pleasing stakeholders can become more important than solving user problems. You might find yourself demoted from Product Manager to Backlog Owner or Story Writer. 😱

Job ads often reflect misconceptions about product management. For instance, some expect Product Managers to deliver on internal stakeholder needs, not end-user needs. Others expect waterfall-style business plans, or focus on output over outcome. 🤦‍♀️

To escape BS management, move from opinion to evidence, avoid bridging communication, and focus on learning instead of planning. Ask probing questions, provide context and empower teams, and validate assumptions quickly. 🚀

The market for Product Managers is hot, but be ready to face and fight anti-patterns. Great Product Managers don’t bow to anti-patterns; they fight to improve end-users’ lives. 💪